From director, Ingrid Veninger, “I love working with Jacob (aka Jay Feelbender) because he’s always receptive, playful, creative. He has been an amazing collaborator from our very first ventures — starting when he was 8-years-old. We’ve made short films (The Bunny Project, Everything is Love and Fear, Mama) and features (Only, i am a good person/i am a bad person, The Animal Project).
BIG GAME is the third Jay Feelbender single release in 5 months. The psychedelic energy of this track quickly got under my skin. Immediately I visualized layers, 360 rotations, split screens, shooting through prisms, pinks, blues, greens. Wide angle lenses and rapid zooms. Jay in a pink suit was a key image and dancing was a must. I reached out for b-boys on Facebook and was linked to Lee Pham. Lee led me to Mark and Arie, who are featured in the video. A drive through the Wasaga Beach near Collingwood lead to the discovery of some excellent and nostalgic locations: motels, painted walls and sand dunes. The track has a party vibe but, as with many of Jay’s songs, there’s a vulnerable underbelly. I wanted the visual energy to be a blurring of kinetic joy, mixed with a desperate need for escape, and intense longing. I reunited with DP Michael Maddeaux and editor Chris Mutton who were both part of the key team for Porcupine Lake, my 6th feature film. We shot this video in 6 hours with a crew of 3. Next, I plan to co-develop a series with Jacob. We have a good time together.